Monday, June 30, 2014

Play Game Earn Real Money

If you are the one who loves to play browser game, here it is. You can get real money while playing below games, just join, learn how to play, earn more in-game cash and cashout to real money.

Yes, You can earn real money from following games, before that you may need to learn how the game plays, earn big in-game cash. Once you earn more then you can start to cashout to real money.

Here are lists of play game earn real money

* Goaltycoon - Play football manager and turn to real money! 

* Goldenchase - Hire dwarfs and get money!  (Been paid : 1)

* Goldenbirds - Buy birds, collect egg and sell to REAL CASH!

* Marketglory - new game, mostly same as anno1777, join now and start earn cash!

Actually, there are many games that you can earn money by playing browser game but you need to deposits money and upgrade in order to active the account and continue pay the game, so here are only free game to play and earn cash.

Join now, start play game and earn big money, Cheer!

Goaltycoon Guide : Buy Youth for Future Star

The easy way to get a super star at cheaper price is buying a youth and train them.

Here are the easy steps to get cheap youth star

Click at Market and then Buy Youth

Select What Star do you want, High Recommended is 5 Star but At Minimum is 3 Star, No lower than that. Or you have low budget, you can get 1 star.

Next is select position

And then click buy, you are done.

Once, you are done buying and here how to see youth details

Click Home and then Youth, it will show all youth details in your team.

To train youth, it's the same as the 1st team training.

It's the same as Senior trainging, just click at youth and set what stat you want.

Cheer ......................

Monday, June 9, 2014

GoldenChase : 1st Payment

Just received a withdraw testing, and it's instantly, Great ..........

Here are screen-shot of my first payment from Goldenchase

Good luck !