This post will explain the war module of Goldentowns. It is still in the beta phase so not everything will work as planned.
For the war you need soldiers and they can be trained in the barracks. Every soldier has 3 stats:
Soldier stats:
• Attack – if the soldier is used offensive this stat will be used
• Defensive – if soldier is used on the defensive this stat is used
• Speed – how much a unit can travel per hour (how long the soldier needs to reach the village you want to attack)
Attack/ Defend village:
If you want to attack a village you will win if the sum of attack damage of your soldiers is greater than the defense value of the defending troops and the other way around when you defend.
Soldiers die depending on the difference of the attack and defense value. If you succeed in conquering a village the owner of the village must pay you 10% taxes. It is currently not possible to withdraw soldiers from an occupied village in Goldentowns
How to free your town:
If you are being occupied you still can train new soldiers and free you village by pressing the deliberate town button when you are not in the home screen (for example market).This will count as an attack so your troops will use the attack value and the defender the defense value.
For example if you want to attack a village which has 3 soldiers with total of 300 defensive and attack with 5 soldiers with 100 attack each( a total of 500). Then every defender will die and you lose 3 soldiers.
• level 1 – Infantry soldier
• level 2- archer
• level 3 – cavalry
• level 4 – universal soldier
• level 5 spy ( not working yet)
• infantry soldier: 100 defense, 25 offense, 25 speed - good defensive unit
• archer : 25 defense, 100 offense, 25 speed – good offensive unit
• cavalry: 25 defense, 25 offense, 100 speed – fast but weak
• universal soldier: 100 defense , 100 attack , 100 speed – best unit so far
International war:
You can send soldiers to every war as either attacker or defender. If you win the attack the country is being occupied and starts paying taxes to the winner until they are free again or being occupied by another country. You get an percentage of these taxes according to your commitment to the war (how many points your soldiers made to the total points made).
You can collect these taxes under war -> wars -> wars in which you have fought.
Note: Soldiers send to this war will die at the end. These wars can make you quite some income in Goldentowns if you occupy the country for some time.
Status of the war module:
Many things are still not implemented only the barracks and the 4 soldier types are already working as intended. The other features will be added in the future. If new things are added in Goldentowns i will post the news on this blog.
Known bugs:
• producing of soldiers cost 125 wood, iron, stone and meat but the barracks says is need 500 iron and you need to have 500 iron in the inventory
• you cannot withdraw troops from an occupied village