This is very important to check the live left of each population before producing any raw production.
Why is that important?
You can go on to produce raw with 1 day left worker but once 1 worker die, the production process will stop and you need to replace with new one and restart working again, so it's useless of your first working process and waste your time too.
So, just check your working live left day before going to work.
The minimum of your worker day should be at least 3 days since level 5 producing time is 2 days and 3 days is safe but you must login to check out and get the raw before that particular worker die.
Here is how to check the process ...
Click at particular raw building before process working and check the first worker live left, here is 1 day left.
So, just click at the particular worker and it will remove that worker.
And click again to refill new worker and you should have more workers or else it will replace the same worker.
And now, you have the new worker and safe to start working process.
This should be doing for every time you want to start producing raw, Good luck.